2022 NaPTEC Conference

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2022 NaPTEC Conference


Friday, 20th May 2022 1:30 to 4:30pm


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NaPTEC Annual Conference 2022:

Friday, 20th February 2022. 1.30 – 4.30pm Online

Getting on the boat again. Early Career Teachers in a post-COVID world

The NaPTEC Conference of 2021 brings together teacher educators from schools, school-led providers and universities from across the country to explore and address current educational issues and the agendas we face.  This year we focus on the experiences and challenges facing early career teachers.

With the uncertainties still around Coronavirus, conference 2021 is an online event, with a charge to delegates of £25.

As always, we are delighted to welcome experts and stimulating speakers this year as our keynote speakers:

1.40- 2.20pm. Prof. Sam Twiselton OBE

Director of the Sheffield Institute of Education, Sheffield Hallam, and who was chair of the Expert Advisory Group consulted by Government in the creation of the ITT Core Content Framework. Samantha brings a wealth of experience to the conference theme and will update on the Early Career Framework and the Market Review in her session entitled, ‘Early Career Teachers: why they matter and how we need to look after them’.

2.40- 3.20pm. Dr. Aimee Quickfall; Prof. Phil Wood and Dr Emma Clark, from Bishop Grosseteste University in Lincoln

Aimee is Head of Programmes for Primary and Early Years ITT and a long serving member of the NaPTEC committee. Her research interests are the lived experiences of teachers who are also mothers, wellbeing, teacher workload, and teacher trainees’ experiences. Their presentation reports on a British Academy project which is timely and entitled, ‘COVID-19 and change in the public sector: A case study of newly qualified teachers’.

3.40- 4pm Panel of Early Years Teachers

In keeping with our conference theme, we are pleased to welcome four Early Career Teachers who will share their recent experiences of training and entry into teaching in the period of Lockdown. 

There will be opportunities for 15 minute discussions in Breakout Rooms following each presentation and a final plenary to summarise themes and issues from the day.

Presentations will be recorded with permissions and available after the event