About NaPTEC
NaPTEC's predecessor was the Undergraduate Primary Teacher Education Conference (UPTEC).
The origins date back to late 1983 in response to central government initiatives that led to Circular 3/84
and the activities of the Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (CATE).
The impetus for the formation of UPTEC stemmed from the disquiet in the profession over the
dismantling of the generalist thrust of the primary undergraduate degree and the apparent rigidity
which was being imposed on programme design. A standing committee was established and three
national conferences held where the focus was very much on the development of undergraduate
provision in the primary sector.
participants in discussion at the 2018 spring semimar
Out of UPTEC came NaPTEC which has continued to broaden its membership to reflect
the interests of those in schools, Higher Education Institutions and the public sector in
Initial Teacher Education. In addition to embracing post-graduate
as well as undergraduate provision, the last decade has seen increasing interest in
alternative routes into teaching. Naptec committee members, speakers and attendees at its events regularly represent school-led providers as well schools working in HEI partnerships.
In recent years NaPTEC has worked closely with UCET and the former GTC(E) in the promotion and
organisation of staff development workshops.
NaPTEC, with its ever increasing network, and its close working relationship with organisations
such as UCET, plays its part in ensuring that the views of primary teacher educators are known.
For further information on the history of NaPTEC,
please see Robert Young's From UPTEC to NaPTEC from exasperation to enhancement